Cornwall Trophies & awards

Custom Non-Enamelled Medals

Amazing custom medals with no colour

An enamel medal can come in a variety of colours, including gold, silver, and bronze. Sports competitions and running events are perfect uses for this product. Platings can be nickel or brass, and enamel fillings are available in up to four colours. 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm, and plus are available in diameters of 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm, and plus.

We have Antique Gold, Silver, Or Bronze No Eamelled Medal Options

Lucy Evelyn

Ui/UX Designer

Elizabeth Sofia

Software Dev.

Charlie Cooper

Graphics Designer

Medal Designs Created Enamelled Medal

Non Enamelled Medals, perfect for all events, sports or any reason.

Choose gold, silver or bronze, custom non Enamelled Medals, with free custom ribbons 2D, 3D effects created, with our house house design team any idea can be brought to life.

No Colour - Enamelled Medals

Gold, Silver, Bronze custom medals Non Enamelled Medals can be 3D raised with an amazing design effects.

3D Raised Effects

With a non Enamelled Medal 3D Raised Effects can be produced, a fully crafted medal .

Sub Heading

Slightly lower in cost the non Enamelled Medal is very popular, 2D or 3D designs can be produced.

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